Do you feel that our lives are more plugged in and hectic than ever before in history? But human nature is resilient and so we have introduced yoga and spiritual practices into our daily lives to help calm us, balance us and redirect us to our true and centered selves. Here at Sati Gems Hawaii, we use healing gemstones that focus on the seven chakras and their rainbow of healing colors. Ancient wisdom says that when the energy centers of our bodies are aligned, we will remain in peak physical and emotional health. Body aches, anxieties, and fear are signs that the energy flow in one or more of our chakras has been disrupted and unbalanced.

Do you enjoy beautiful and colorful jewelry? and are looking for a more balanced and grounded life? SHOP our beautiful and colorful Chakra line of gemstone jewelry and feel connected to nature and a more balanced life
Aloha & Namaste
A short 101 on Chakras:
1. The root or first chakra is represented by the color red and is located at the base of the spine, having to do with stability.
2. The sacral chakra (second) is orange and located just below the navel, representing creativity and intimacy.
3. The solar plexus (third) chakra is yellow and located below the chest, having to do with confidence and responsibility.
4. The heart (fourth) chakra is green and is located at the center of the chest, representing self-love and relationships.
5. The throat (fifth) chakra is blue and is located at the throat, representing self-expression.
6. The third eye (sixth) chakra is indigo and is located between the eyebrows, having to do with wisdom and intuition.
7. The crown (seventh) chakra is violet and is located at the top of the head, having to do with higher conscious and divine connection.